Support Akatsuki (Premium)

So, what makes it so Premium?
Well, it has many additional perks.

Here's what you get:

Multi-colored username on the website

To kick it off, you get a rainbow username on the website to show everyone you're a really cool dude who has gone above and beyond in helping us pay the server bills.

Animated profile background

Take a step up from regular supporters, and set your custom background to an Animated version.

Being able to use channel-limited commands, anywhere

Premium members have the ability to override channel-limited commands, such as !request, !last, and more; and can use them anywhere.

Premium badge

Just like Supporter, you will get a premium badge on your profile, to show everyone you've decided to support us!

In-game #premium channel

Premium members have a dedicated in-game channel of their own! This also comes along with the #supporter channel.

Many other features..

As Akatsuki development continues, many small quality-of-life improvements are added for premium members - for example, the !q, and !overwrite commands.

Please log in before purchasing Premium.